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विलियम डेरिल_सीसी781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ विलियम्स , एक लेखक
वास्तुकला और आंतरिक डिजाइन, सिनसिनाटी ओहियो
Hair Salon ExhibitUniversity of Houston | Dresser Trunk Traveling ExhibitionBayly Art Museum, University of Virginia | Daddy Joe's TrunkWhitelaw Hotel "The Black Whitehouse" | Dresser Trunk ExhibitionUniversity of Maryland | Glory Hole Trunk |
Architecture + Race and SegregationColloquium @ Columbia University | Dresser Trunk ExhibitionExtension Gallery, Chicago | Memory RoomProject Row Houses Installation | Daddy Joe's TrunkWhitelaw Hotel, DC "The Black Whitehouse" | Memory RoomProject Row Houses Installation |
Glory Hole Trunk | Memory RoomProject Row Houses Installation | Glory Hole Trunk | Daddy Joe's TrunkWhitelaw Hotel, DC, "The Black Whitehouse" | Glory Hole Trunk |
Hair Salon | Glory Hole Trunk |
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